Ndigbo should stop thinking and talking about Igbo presidency in 2019.”– Governor Rochas Okorocha has accused previous Igboleaders of inaction and advised people to look for candidates with passion, vision and missionRochas Okorocha, the governor of Imo state, has delivered a fiery speech on the presidential election in 2019 and potential Igbo presidency at a post election press briefing in Owerri, on Friday, July 29.Okorocha said: “Ndigbo should stop thinking and talking about Igbo presidency in 2019. They should rather be thinking of someone that has something positive to offer to the people.
We need a president with passion, vision and mission and not mere sentiment. Igbos have had people that held choice public offices in the past. They ended up not doing any tangible thing for the people. So, the issue cannot be based on mere sentiment.”The governor has also congradulated the locals for electing all the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidates in the last re-run polls. He also added:“What the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) took from us in Chief Ike Ekweremadu will be redressed soonest.”Besides, he stressed the neccessity of replacement of the incumbent Deputy Senate President of the National Assembly.“For the National Assembly to continue to have Ekweremadu as the Deputy Senate President is not good for the nation’s democracy and I urge the National Assembly to do the needful now that the South east has an APC senator.”
Answering a question on whether his administration willcontinue with the free education policy, Okorocha said:“I have been receiving proposals from concerned people, urging me to reintroduce school fees in our primary schools, to enable government pay salaries. I am seriously considering this option.”
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