Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Good music by Orezi- rihanna

I just used Shazam to discover Rihanna by Orezi. http://shz.am/t96170614

BEMOR UNUM HBD..fresh dude see more-

Happy birthday bro. Wishing you all the good things of my, Gods protection and long life. As you celebrate put God 1st in everything you do, Have a swell time love you lots
Happy Birthday Hwatin.

Monday, September 16, 2013

WEDDING INVITATION***BarnSamanta, see more here-

Samanta & Barnabas

DATE:   12 oct 2013
TIME:    9am prompt
VENUE: N.K.S.T Church Iortyer mkd

R.S.V.P 08120760405
                 Am happy for you bro, good luck and I pray the Almighty we grant your marriage with aboundant grace you and your beloved wife will leave to see your children's children'....most especially you shall enjoy Gods aboundant mercy and joy, you shall never lack, good health awaits you and your family, Amen.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

University of Mkar. See more-

The University of Mkar was licensed by the
Federal Government of Nigeria in June, 2005 to
operate as a private University in Nigeria,
providing education to all Nigerians and beyond
without discrimination to race, tribe, political or
religious affiliation. It however, took-off on 4th
October, 2005.
The University is owned by the NKST Church, an
offshoot of the Dutch Reformed Church/Sudan
United Mission of South Africa and North
America respectively. The Dutch Reformed
Missionaries of South Africa came to Tivland in
1911 to evangelize, establishing many churches
and schools. Later, they transferred the work to
their partners, the Sudan United Mission (SUM)
of North America who eventually handed the
work over to the indigenes under the name
“Nongu u Kristu u Sudan hen Tiv” (NKST) or the
Church of Sudan among the Tiv.
The NKST has carefully followed the footsteps of
her founders. Thus, in June 2005 the church was
licensed to operate a private Christian University
in Nigeria. unimkar.edu.ng/about/brief-history.html

Friday, September 13, 2013

Akpors gained admission into.. See more-

Akpors gained admission into MIT to study
Telecoms. There he became friends with an
American and a Japanese. One day they were
having TEA together and trying to impress each
other that there country is moving forward faster
than others.
Suddenly the American started talking with
someone, the Japanaese and Akpors were
surprised who he was talking to, as there was no
one else there other than the 3 of them.
The American said , OHHH its BLUETOOTH in my
ear and I had a call that I am replying. The
Japanese and Akpors were impressed....
Then a few minutes later, the Japanese said I got
to go, I just received an email via my Internet
Wrist Watch that I had to meet someone. The
American and Akpors were impressed...
Now suddenly, not to feel intimidated, Akpors
stood up and rushes towards the men's room,
there he picks up the tissue paper and puts half
of it in his ear and left the other Half hanging out,
then he went back to the American and Japanese.
When they saw the tissue paper hanging out of
his ear, they asked him “Akpors what is the
meaning of this, what is coming out of your ear
Calmly Akpors starts pulling the tissue paper out
of his ear and said OH.. ITS Nothing... JUST A FAX
American and the Japanese were Amazed!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

For married men -

Married Men.....protect your wife from your
mom, sisters and relative, she is your wife not a
new dog brought home to be played with by
your family, she's your mate, friend, lover and
confidant, she's not in competition with your
family.....you are her man, her guide and
23 minutes a

If u read this pls dnt tel any one


Do love your mum? If yes click here cox I love mine-

Check out my album, click here-

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Can you recite the nig. national anthem? See more at -

Arise, O Compatriots" (1978–present)
stanza 1:
Arise, O compatriots,
Nigeria's call obey
To serve our Fatherland
With love and strength and faith.
The labor of our heroes past
Shall never be in vain,
To serve with heart and might
One nation bound in freedom, peace
and unity.
stanza 2: O God of creation
Direct our noble cause
Guide our leaders right
Help our youth the truth to know
In love and honesty to grow
And living just and true
Great lofty heights attain
To build a nation where peace
And justice shall reign.

Nigeria's National Pledge
The National Pledge of Nigeria is recited
immediately after the Anthem
I pledge to Nigeria my country,
To be faithful, loyal and honest,
To serve Nigeria with all my strength,
To defend her unity,
And uphold her honor and glory,
So help me God.

Lyrics John A. Ilechukwu, Eme Etim
Akpan, B. A. Ogunnaike, Sota
Omoigui and P.O. Aderibigbe
Music Nigerian Police Band under
the directorship of B. E.
Adopted 1978
Relinquished present

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

THE CHRISTIAN WARRIOR. see more at- www.vanuchidavid.blogspot.com

Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me; Body of Christ, save
me; Blood of Christ, inebriate me; Water from
the side of Christ, wash me; Passion of Christ,
strengthen me; O good Jesus, hear me; within
your wounds, hide me; let me never be
separated from you; from the evil one, protect
me; at the hour of my death, call me; and bid
me to come to you; that with your saints, I may
praise you forever and ever. Amen.
Breaking Curses
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, by the power of his cross, his blood
and his resurrection, I take authority over all
curses, hexes, spells, voodoo practices,
witchcraft assignments, satanic rituals,
incantations and evil wishes that have been sent
my way, or have passed down the generational
bloodline. I break their influence over my life by
the power of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, and I
command these curses to go back to where they
came from and be replaced with a blessing.
I ask forgiveness for and denounce all negative
inner vows and agreements that I have made
with the enemy, and I ask that you Lord Jesus
Christ release me from any bondage they may
have held in me. I claim your shed blood over
all aspects of my life, relationships, ministry
endeavors and finances. I thank you for your
enduring love, your angelic protection, and for
the fullness of your abundant blessings.
Prayer against Evil
Spirit of our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Most Holy Trinity, descend upon me. Please
purify me, mold me, fill me with yourself, and
use me. Banish all the forces of evil from me;
destroy them, vanquish them so that I can be
healthy and do good deeds.
Banish from me all spells, witchcraft, black
magic, demonic assignments, malefice,
maledictions and the evil eye; diabolic
infestations, oppressions, possessions; all that is
evil and sinful; jealousy, treachery, envy; all
physical, psychological, moral, spiritual and
diabolical ailments; as well as all enticing spirits,
deaf, dumb, blind, mute and sleeping spirits,
new-age spirits, occult spirits, religious spirits,
antichrist spirits, and any other spirits of death
and darkness.
I command and bid all the powers who molest
me—by the power of God Almighty, in the name
of Jesus Christ our Savior—to leave me forever,
and to be consigned into the everlasting lake of
fire, that they may never again touch me or any
other creature in the entire world. Amen.
Denouncing the Occult
Heavenly Father, in the name of your only
begotten Son, Jesus Christ, I denounce Satan
and all his works, all forms of witchcraft, the
use of divination, the practice of sorcery, dealing
with mediums, channeling with spirit guides, the
Ouija board, astrology, Reiki, hypnosis,
automatic writing, horoscopes, numerology, all
types of fortune telling, palm readings,
levitation, and anything else associated with the
occult or Satan. I denounce all of them in the
name of Jesus Christ who came in the flesh, and
by the power of his cross, his blood and his
resurrection, I break their hold over my life.
I confess all these sins before you and ask you
to cleanse and forgive me. I ask you Lord Jesus
to enter my heart and create in me the kind of
person you have intended me to be. I ask you
to send forth the gifts of your Holy Spirit to
baptize me, just as you baptized your disciples
on the day of Pentecost.
I thank you heavenly Father for strengthening
my inner spirit with the power of your Holy
Spirit, so that Christ may dwell in my heart.
Through faith, rooted and grounded in love, may
I be able to comprehend with all the saints, the
breadth, length, height and depth of Christ’s
love which surpasses all knowledge. Amen.
Breaking Generational Bondage
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for your
sacrifice on the cross of Calvary for the
forgiveness of my sins. Please enforce the power
of your cross on all my generational inherited
weaknesses, character defects, personality
traits, cellular disorders, genetic disorders and
tendencies toward sin. Please break all
unhealthy soul-ties and forms of enmeshment
between me and my parents, grandparents,
siblings, offspring, mates and any other
unhealthy relationship that my mates had with
others in the past.
By the power of your command Lord Jesus
Christ, I take the sword of the Spirit and cut
myself free from all generational inherited
cellular or genetic disorders, character defects
and tendencies toward sin. I sever all unhealthy
soul-ties and forms of enmeshment, and in the
name of Jesus Christ, I say that I am now free—
free to be the child of God the Lord intended
me to be.
Prayer against Malefice 1
God, our Lord, King of ages, All-powerful and
Almighty, you who made everything and who
transform everything simply by your will; you
who changed into dew the flames of the seven-
times hotter furnace and protected and saved
your three holy children:
You are the doctor and physician of my soul.
You are the salvation of those who turn to you.
I beseech you to make powerless, banish, and
drive out every diabolic power, presence and
machination; every evil influence, malefice or
evil eye and all evil actions aimed against me.
Where there is envy and malice, give me an
abundance of goodness, endurance, victory and
charity. O Lord, you who love man, I beg you to
reach out your powerful hands and your most
high and mighty arms and come to my aid.
Send your angel of peace over me, to protect
my body and soul. May he keep at bay and
vanquish every evil power, every poison or
malice invoked against me by corrupt and
envious people.
Then under the protection of your authority may
I sing with gratitude, “The Lord is my salvation;
whom should I fear?” I will not fear evil because
you are with me, my God, my strength, my
powerful Lord, Lord of peace, Father of all ages.
Prayer for a Spiritual Canopy
Dear Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all the
times I have not submitted to your will in my
life. Please forgive me for all my sinful actions,
making agreements with the enemy, and for
believing the devil’s lies. I now submit to you as
my Lord, dear Jesus. Now I break every
agreement that I have made with the enemy.
Lord Jesus, please have your warring angels
remove and bind to the abyss all demons and
their devices that had access to me because I
believed their lies. I now ask you to establish a
hedge of protection around me, over me and
under me, and seal it with your blood, Lord
Jesus Christ.
I now choose to put on the full armor of God
and ask that you cleanse me and seal me, body,
mind, soul and spirit, with your blood, Lord
Jesus Christ. Please have your warring angels
bind up and remove all demons, their devices,
and all their power from within this protective
hedge and have them sent to the abyss.
Please have your warriors destroy all demonic,
occult or witchcraft assignments directed against
me including all backups and replacements.
Please have your warriors remove all trafficking
people and send them back to their own bodies
and seal them there with your blood, Lord Jesus
Christ. Please have your angels stand guard over
me and protect me from all the attacks of the
Prayer to Remove Trafficking People
Dear Lord Jesus, will you please send a special
assignment of warring angels to remove all
spiritually trespassing people from me. In the
name, power and authority of the Lord Jesus
Christ of Nazareth who came in the flesh, I
cancel all astral assignments over my life. I take
dominion over all astral assignments of
witchcraft sent against me, and I break their
hold right now through the power of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord Jesus, please have your warring
angels strip these witches of their psychic
powers, demonic powers and occult powers.
Please strip them of psychic visions, powers of
divination, and any other craft that allows them
to interfere with me. Please have all their
powers and devices destroyed and cast into the
I ask you to bring these people before your
throne and bless them with a revelation of who
you are and your love and plans of salvation for
them. Please show them how they are being
deceived by Satan. Please have your warriors
send them back to their own bodies and seal
them there with your blood, Lord Jesus. I thank
you for establishing an impenetrable shield of
protection all around me; in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Binding Evil Spirits
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, I stand with the power of the Lord
God Almighty to bind Satan and all his evil
spirits, demonic forces, satanic powers,
principalities, along with all kings and princes of
terrors, from the air, water, fire, ground,
netherworld, and the evil forces of nature.
I take authority over all demonic assignments
and functions of destruction sent against me,
and I expose all demonic forces as weakened,
defeated enemies of Jesus Christ. I stand with
the power of the Lord God Almighty to bind all
enemies of Christ present together, all demonic
entities under their one and highest authority,
and I command these spirits into the abyss to
never again return. Their assignments and
influences are over.
I arise today with the power of the Lord God
Almighty to call forth the heavenly host, the holy
angels of God, to surround and protect, and
cleanse with God’s holy light all areas vacated
by the forces of evil. I ask the Holy Spirit to
permeate my mind, heart, body, soul and spirit,
creating a hunger and thirst for God’s holy
Word, and to fill me with the life and love of my
Lord, Jesus Christ.
Destroying Demonic Influence
Through the power of Lord Jesus Christ of
Nazareth, I come against every source of sin in
my life. I ask you Lord Jesus to send forth an
assignment of warring angels to strike down and
destroy every demonic entity that has been
influencing my sinful behaviors of envy,
criticism, impatience, resentment, pride,
rebellion, stubbornness, unforgiveness, gossip,
disobedience, strife, violence, divorce,
accusation, anger, manipulation, jealousy, greed,
laziness, revenge, coveting, possessiveness,
control, retaliation, selfishness, deceitfulness,
deception, dishonesty, unbelief, seduction, lust,
pornography, masturbation, idolatry and
May your warring angels strike down and
destroy every demonic influence that has
contributed to my physical and psychological
infirmities of nerve disorder, lung disorder,
brain disorder or dysfunction, AIDS, cancer,
hypochondria, hyperactivity, depression,
schizophrenia, fatigue, anorexia, bulimia,
addictions, gluttony, perfectionism, alcoholism,
self-abuse, sexual addictions, sexual
perversions, attempted suicide, incest,
pedophilia, lesbianism, homosexuality, adultery,
homophobia, confusion, ignorance,
procrastination, self-hatred, isolation, loneliness,
ostracism, paranoia, nervousness, passivity,
indecision, doubt, oppression, rejection, poor
self-image, anxiety, shame, timidity and fear.
I arise today through the power of the Lord
Jesus Christ and ask to be filled with the Holy
Spirit’s gifts of peace, patience, love, joy,
kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness,
self-control, humility, forgiveness, goodness,
fortitude, discipline, truth, relinquishment, good
self-image, prosperity, charity, obedience, a
sound mind, order, fulfillment in Christ,
acceptance of self, acceptance of others, trust,
freedom from addictions, freedom of having-to-
control, freedom from shame, wholeness,
wellness, health, wisdom, knowledge,
understanding, and the light and life of the Lord
Jesus Christ. Amen.
Prayer for Inner Healing 2
Dear Lord Jesus, please come and heal my
wounded and troubled heart. I beg you to heal
the torments that are causing anxiety in my life.
I beg you, in a particular way, to heal the
underlying source of my sinfulness. I beg you to
come into my life and heal the psychological
harms that struck me in my childhood and from
the injuries they have caused throughout my
Lord Jesus, you know my burdens. I lay them on
your Good Shepherd’s Heart. I beseech you—by
the merits of the great open wound in your
heart—to heal the small wounds that are in
mine. Heal my memories, so that nothing that
has happened to me will cause me to remain in
pain and anguish, filled with anxiety.
Heal, O Lord, all those wounds that have been
the cause of evil that is rooted in my life. I want
to forgive all those who have offended me. Look
to those inner sores that make me unable to
forgive. You who came to forgive the afflicted of
heart, please, heal my wounded and troubled
Heal, O Lord Jesus, all those intimate wounds
that are the root cause of my physical illness. I
offer you my heart. Accept it, Lord, purify it and
give me the sentiments of your Divine Heart.
Heal me, O Lord, from the pain caused by the
death of my loved ones. Grant me to regain
peace and joy in the knowledge that you are the
Resurrection and the Life. Make me an authentic
witness to your resurrection, your victory over
sin and death, and your loving presence among
all men. Amen.
Healing the Family Tree 3
Heavenly Father, I come before you as your
child, in great need of your help; I have physical
health needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs
and interpersonal needs. Many of my problems
have been caused by my own failures, neglect
and sinfulness, for which I humbly beg your
forgiveness, Lord. But I also ask you to forgive
the sins of my ancestors whose failures have left
their effects on me in the form of unwanted
tendencies, behavior patterns, and defects in
body, mind and spirit. Heal me, Lord, of all
these disorders.
With your help I sincerely forgive everyone,
living or dead members of my family tree, who
have directly offended me or my loved ones in
any way, or those whose sins have resulted in
our present sufferings and disorders. In the
name of your divine Son Jesus, and in the power
of his Holy Spirit, I ask you Father, to deliver me
and my entire family tree from the influence of
the evil one.
Free all living and dead members of my family
tree, including those in adoptive relationships,
and those in extended family relationships, from
every contaminating form of bondage. By your
loving concern for us, heavenly Father, and by
the shed blood of your precious Son Jesus, I beg
you to extend your blessing to me and all my
living and deceased relatives. Heal every
negative effect transmitted through all past
generations, and prevent such negative effects
in future generations of my family tree.
I symbolically place the cross of Jesus over the
head of each person in my family tree, and
between each generation; I ask you to let the
cleansing blood of Jesus purify the bloodlines in
my family lineage. Send protective angels to
encamp around us and administer your divine
healing power to all of us, even in areas of
genetic disability. Give special power to our
family members’ guardian angels to heal,
protect, guide and encourage each of us in all
our needs. Let your healing power be released
at this very moment, and let it continue as long
as your sovereignty permits.
In our family tree, Lord, replace all bondage
with a holy bonding of family love. And let there
be an ever-deeper bonding with you, Lord, by
the Holy Spirit, to your Son Jesus. Let the family
of the Holy Trinity pervade our family with its
tender, warm, loving presence, so that our
family may recognize and manifest that love in
all our relationships. All of our unknown needs
we include with this petition that we pray in
Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
Denouncing Lodges and Secret Societies
Lord Jesus, I come to you as a sinner seeking
forgiveness and healing from all sins committed
against you by my family lineage. I honor my
earthly father, mother and ancestors, but I
utterly turn away from and denounce all their
sins, especially those that have exposed me to
any kind of harmful influence. I forgive all my
ancestors for the effects of their sins and ask to
be washed clean of their destructive
I denounce and rebuke Satan and every evil
power that has affected my family lineage. I
denounce and forsake my involvement in all
lodges, secret societies and any other evil craft
practiced by my ancestors. I denounce all oaths
and rituals in every level and degree. I
denounce witchcraft, the spirit of the antichrist
and the curse of any demonic doctrine. I
denounce idolatry, blasphemy and all
destructive forms of secrecy and deception. I
denounce the love of power, the love of money,
and any fears that have held me in bondage.
I denounce all spiritually binding oaths taken in
Freemasonry, Mormonism, the Order of
Amaranth, Oddfellows, Buffalos, Druids and
Foresters Lodges, the Ku Klux Klan, The Grange,
the Woodmen of the World, Riders of the Red
Robe, the Knights of Pythias, the Mystic Order of
the Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, the
women’s Orders of the Eastern Star and of the
White Shrine of Jerusalem, the Daughters of the
Eastern Star, the International Orders of Job’s
Daughters, the Rainbow Girls and the boys’
Order of De Molay and any other secret society
along with their destructive effects on me and
my family.
I denounce the blindfold and hoodwink, and any
effects they had on my emotions and eyes,
including all confusion and fears. I denounce the
noose around the neck, the fear of choking and
any spirit that causes difficulty in breathing. I
denounce the effects of all pagan objects and
symbolism, aprons, books of rituals, rings and
jewelry. I denounce the entrapping of others,
and observing the helplessness of others during
rituals. I denounce false communion, all
mockery of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ
on the cross, all unbelief, confusion and
deception, and all worship of Lucifer as a god.
I humbly ask for your forgiveness, Lord Jesus,
and for your blood to cleanse me of all the sins
I have committed. Please purify my spirit, soul,
mind, emotions and every other part of my
body. Please destroy any evil spirits that have
attached themselves to me, or my family,
because of these sins and cleanse us with the
fire of your Holy Spirit. I invite you into my
heart, Lord Jesus, and enthrone you as my Lord
and Savior for all eternity.
Closing of Deliverance Prayers
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for awakening my
sleeping spirit and bringing me into your light.
Thank you, Lord, for transforming me by the
renewing of my mind. Thank you, Lord, for
pouring out your Spirit on me, and revealing
your Word to me. Thank you, Lord, for giving
your angels charge over me in all my ways.
Thank you for my faith in you and that from my
innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.
Thank you for directing my mind and heart into
the love of the Father and the steadfastness of
all your ways. Fill me to overflowing with your
life and love, my Lord and King, Jesus Christ.
Prayer for the Healer 4
Lord Jesus, thank you for sharing with me your
wonderful ministry of healing and deliverance.
Thank you for the healing I have experienced
today. I realize that the sickness of evil is more
than my humanity can bear, so I ask that you
please cleanse me of any sadness, negative
thinking or despair that I may have picked up
during my intercession for others.
If during my ministry I have been tempted to
anger, impatience or lust, cleanse me of those
temptations, and replace them with your love,
joy and peace. If any evil spirits have attached
themselves to me or oppressed me in any way,
I command you, spirits of earth, fire, water, the
netherworld, or the evil forces of nature, to
depart now and go straight to Jesus Christ, for
him to deal with you as he wills.
Come Holy Spirit, renew me, fill me anew with
your power, your life and your joy. Strengthen
me where I feel weak and clothe me with your
light. Fill me with your life. Lord Jesus, please
send your holy angels to minister to me and
protect me from all forms of sickness, harm and
accidents. I thank you and praise you my Lord,
God and King.
Psalm 91 5
You who live in the shelter of the Most High,
who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, will
say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress; my
God, in whom I trust.” For he will deliver you
from the snare of the fowler and from the
deadly pestilence; he will cover you with his
pinions, and under his wings you will find
refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
You will not fear the terror of the night, or the
arrow that flies by day, or the pestilence that
stalks in darkness, or the destruction that
wastes at noonday. A thousand may fall at your
side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will
not come near you. You will only look with your
eyes and see the punishments of the wicked.
Because you have made the Lord your refuge,
the Most High your dwelling place, no evil shall
befall you, no scourge come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways. On their hands
they will bear you up, so that you will not dash
your foot against a stone. You will tread on the
lion and the adder, the young lion and the
serpent you will trample under foot.
Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect
those who know my name. When they call to
me, I will answer them; I will be with them in
trouble, I will rescue them and honor them.
With long life I will satisfy them, and show them
my salvation.
The prayers contained herein are intended for
one’s own sphere of influence and are not to be
used by the faithful to perform solemn
exorcisms as per CCC 1673

Fact: see more here »»

Ur boo may be having a nice time with his/her
boo.are you your boos boo?be sure of who u are
booing b4 u get booed!

Chiki hembe wrote_

Monday, September 9, 2013

N.K.S.T, a brief history about the church. See more here »»

N.K.S.T stands for the "Nongu u Kristu u i
Ser u sha Tar," translated "Universal
Reformed Christian Church," a Christian
Reformed church based in Nigeria. The
church has its headquarters in Benue state
but has spread all over Nigeria. The members
are predominantly the Tiv speaking tribe but
other tribes in Nigeria belong to this church.
It was first introduced in Sai in 1911 a village
in Katsina Ala local government area of
Benue state, Nigeria.[1] Although its
headquarters is now at Mkar, Gboko , the
local government is in Benue State . The
church is the fruit of missionary work
undertaken by the Dutch Reformed Church in
South Africa. Work began in 1911 among the
Tiv people in Gongola and Benue States. The
beginnings were slow — only 25 baptized
Christians in 25 years. In 1960, due to the
apartheid system, the South African
missionaries were no longer tolerated in
Nigeria and had to leave. In their place the
SUM–Christian Reformed Reformed branch
related to NKST and gave it strong support
until about 1985. In 1957 the church was
formally organized as an autonomous, self-
supporting, and self-propagating church with
four Nigerian pastors. A full translation of the
Bible into Tiv was completed in 1964. The
church also has a synod that meets twice in a
year. The Church has seven institutions of
higher learning: 1.The Reformed Theological
Seminary Mkar, 2.Reformed Bible College
Harga, 3.School of Nursing Mkar, 4.College of
Health Technology Mkar 5. School of
Laboratory Sciences Mkar, 6. School of
Midwifery Mkar, 7. and more recently a
university, The University of Mkar [1] . The
pioneer Vice Chancellor was a renowned
academic, Professor (Mrs) Nancy Ngunan
Agbe. Until her appointment, she was a
professor at Benue State University, Makurdi.
The current Vice Chancellor is Prof.
Emmanuel Hemen Agba, Professor of Physics
also coming from Benue State University
The NKST church has over a Million
followership and over 127,115 baptised and
professing members. It has a well organised
Women Fellowship with 44,514 members. The
women fellowship has built one of the most
beautiful guest houses in Benue State at
Mkar near the Church Sacretariet. NKST
church has 674 pastors since inception with
557 who are still alive, and about 117 have
rested in the Lord. NKST has 3,891 churches
all over Nigeria, with 353 well established
congregations. Some of the congregations
conduct their services in English, e.g. NKST
ANglo- Jos, Plateu State.It also has 53 classis.
The church also has 9 hospitals, and 123
primary health centers. It has 50 secondary
schools and 500 primiry schools.
The President of NKST now is Rev. Ayohol Ate
who took over November 2011 from Rev.
J.T.Orkuma as president. The General
secretary is Rev. Peter Gwaza Azuana assisted
by Rev. Ephraim Mbateren Shir.It has about
20 different departments such as Media,
Mission, Education, Agriculture, Works,
Diaconal ministry, Sunday School, Choir etc.
which are headed by well dedicated
Christians. The Church has recently finished
revising the Tiv Bible and has since been sent
down to the Bible Society of Nigeria for the
final professional work. It has also recently
started a Mission station near Abeoukuta in
Ogun State with the aim of reaching the
Yoruba tribe with Reformed Faith.

Child marriage: 8-yr-old Yemeni bride dies of internal injuries after sex with 40-yr- old groom, see more here »»

Kuwaitis have called for stringent action against
a family in Yemen after their eight-year-old
daughter died of internal injuries on the first
night of her arranged marriage to a man more
than five times her age.
Rawan died in city of Hardh in the Governorate
of Hajjah in northwestern Yemen, Kuwaiti daily
Al Watan reported on Sunday, quoting Yemeni
She is believed to have suffered a tear to her
genitals and severe bleeding.
Yemeni activists urged the local police to arrest
the “beastly groom” and the girl’s family and
transfer them to a court where justice would be
served and the case would be used to help put
an end to the practice of marrying very young
girls in the impoverished country, the daily
In Kuwait, bloggers offered their prayers for the
“bride”, but lashed out at the “groom”, saying
that he was a beast who should be severely
Angry Man, a blogger, posted that the man was
“an animal who deserved to be punished
severely for his crime.”
“All those who supported such a crime should
also be punished,” he said.
Under the moniker “Sad”, another blogger said
that everybody should have realised that
Rawan was too young to get married.
“Her family and her groom could have waited
for some time before having this marriage,”
Sad said. “It was not fair at all and the
marriage should not have happened even if
some tribes believe that it is a good custom.”
Bu Omar said that he was disturbed by the
death report.
“Rawan’s family members are not humans.
They do not deserve to have children,” he said.

Chorus, see here »»

this strike is intentionally
And the effect is physically,
do they want us to go radically
We are broke Economically
our girls agresivelly
are going biologically
Haba---- Habatically
Our boys are leaning mechanically
No more forming swagatically
and they talk sey they no wan gree..

James Bond's 'Spy Who Loved me' Submarine Car on Sale in London. See more »»

Known as "Wet Nellie" on the set of the film, the
fully operational submarine car was among the
contents of a storage unit in Long Island, New
York which was bought by a couple in a "blind"
public auction in 1989.
The "submarine car" used in James Bond film
"The Spy Who Loved Me" is up for sale in
London on Monday, 24 years after it was
"discovered" in a U.S. storage unit.
The white Lotus Esprit, which transformed into a
submarine during a sequence in the 1977 movie
starring Roger Moore as 007, is estimated to sell
for up to 950,000 pounds ($1.48 million).
Known as "Wet Nellie" on the set of the film, the
fully operational submarine car was among the
contents of a storage unit in Long Island, New
York which was bought by a couple in a "blind"
public auction in 1989.
Although six Esprit body shells were used in
filming, only one was converted into a
"submarine car", RM Auctions said.
The car was placed in a pre-paid storage unit for
10 years after filming. The contents of storage
unit were sold sight unseen in 1989 when rental
payments for the unit fell into delinquency.
"We have a great track record in selling
incredible and iconic movie cars, and this
particular Lotus is certainly up there amongst
the most famous cars of all time," RM Managing
Director Max Girardo said in a statement.
The auction house previously sold the Aston
Martin DB5 used by Sean Connery as James
Bond in the "Goldfinger" and "Thunderball"
movies for 2.9 million pounds in 2010.

Asuu said..see more-

The Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU,
has said that there is nothing political in its
ongoing strike.
ASUU President Nasir Fagge who accused the
Federal Government of blackmail, said their
demand for the implementation of two
thousand and nine agreement has nothing to do
with politics.
On the breakdown in negotiations between
ASUU and the government, Fagge said
government should be held responsible.
He said the N120bn released recently was
already budgeted for the universities this year.


La la, la la la la la na na na na na,
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na
Hush, don't speak
When you spit your venom, keep it shut I hate it
When you hiss and preach
About your new messiah 'cause your theories
catch fire
I can't find your silver lining
I don't mean to judge
But when you read your speech, it's tiring
Enough is enough
I'm covering my ears like a kid
When your words mean nothing, I go la la la
I'm turning up the volume when you speak
'Cause if my heart can't stop it, I find a way to
block it, I go
La la, la la la la la na na na na na
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na,
I find a way to block it, I go
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na [2x]
If our love is running out of time
I won't count the hours, rather be a coward
When our worlds collide
I'm gonna drown you out before I lose my mind
I can't find your silver lining
I don't mean to judge
But when you read your speech, it's tiring
Enough is enough
I'm covering my ears like a kid
When your words mean nothing, I go la la la
I'm turning up the volume when you speak
'Cause if my heart can't stop it, I find a way to
block it, I go
La la, la la la la la na na na na na
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na,
I find a way to block it, I go
La la, la la la la la na na na na na
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na,
I find a way to block it, oh
La la, la la la la la na na na na na
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na,
I find a way to block it, I go

La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na,
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na,
I'm covering my ears like a kid
When your words mean nothing, I go la la la
I'm turning up the volume when you speak
'Cause if my heart can't stop it, I find a way to
block it, I go
I'm covering my ears like a kid
When your words mean nothing, I go la la la
I'm turning up the volume when you speak
'Cause if my heart can't stop it, I find a way to
block it, I go
La la, la la la la la na na na na na
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na
La la na na, la la la la la na na na na


TIPS (Relationship)
Learn that punishing your partner won't work. It
may make you feel better to give him a hard
time, but it will actually make him dig his heels in
more. A better tactic is to reward the things you
like and ignore what you don't like.

Saturday, August 24, 2013



Friday, August 2, 2013

Lawyer sue's isreal

The state of Israel is being sued by a Kenyan
lawyer in the International Criminal Court of
Justice (ICJ) for the “trial and crucifixion of Jesus
Christ,” which the lawyer claims was “unlawful,”
according to regional media reports.
Kenyan lawyer Dola Indidis says that Israel and
the Jewish people should be held legally liable
for Jesus’s death, according to the Jerusalem
Indidis, who has taken his case the ICJ in The
Hague, is also suing Tiberius, the emperor of
Rome in 42 BCE, “Pontius Pilate, a selection of
Jewish elders, King Herod, the Republic of Italy,
and the State of Israel,” according to the Post.
Indidis is using the Bible as his primary piece of
evidence against Israel.
“Evidence today is on record in the Bible, and
you cannot discredit the Bible,” Indidis was
quoted as saying by the Kenyan Citizen News.
Indidis further “insists that the government for
whom they acted can and should still be held
responsible,” the Post reported.
Indidis, who reportedly is a former spokesman
of the Kenyan Judiciary, insists that he has a
“duty to uphold the dignity of Jesus.”
“I filed the case because it’s my duty to uphold
the dignity of Jesus and I have gone to the ICJ
to seek justice for the man from Nazareth,”
Indidis was quoted as saying. “His selective and
malicious prosecution violated his human rights
through judicial misconduct, abuse of office
bias and prejudice.”
Indidis further maintains that Jesus was not
given a proper say during his trial and that his
resulting punishment was unfairly carried out.
“I am suing as a friend [of Jesus],” he was
quoted as saying.
When asked about the case, an ICJ official is
reported to have said, “It is not even
theoretically possible for us to consider this

Monday, July 29, 2013


Dress to be addressed, get all sorts of female & male traditional wears. Ancara,rappa etc......

Friday, July 26, 2013


Dog & Bone, Girls & Money, Guys & Sex, Police & Bribe, Pastors & Seed, Native Doctor & Fowl, Monkey & Banana, Terry G & Weed, Jim Iyke & fight, Jonathan & committee, Boko Haram & Bomb,2face & pikin.....


Durumi abuja, beside american international school...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


a most watch movie, click and watch Aloho Vanen David do his thing in the movie, it is a movie that has to do with a business deal and set up, watch this trailer to get started, Movie directed by samson oklobia